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Three-Quarters of Businesses Looking to Switch Workspaces in 2024: What’s Driving the Shift?

As we move closer to the end of 2024, a significant trend has emerged in the business world: Co-working spaces. This shift is driven by several key factors that are reshaping how businesses think about their physical environments, and could these be factors that relate to you and your business?

An independent survey of 1,002 senior decision-makers within UK businesses has found:

  • 76% are actively considering changing their workspace or expect to do so in the next year. 
  • 59% feel that flexible or coworking spaces are the best fit for their business’ needs. 
  • 45% of businesses currently using flexible workspaces are unlikely to ever rent their own private office again. 


Flexibility is Key

The demand for flexibility has never been higher and traditional long-term office leases no longer align with the dynamic nature of modern businesses. Companies are increasingly turning to flexible workspace solutions and Co-working spaces are coming on top. These workspaces allow them to scale their operations up or down quickly, depending on their needs.

The Rise of Hybrid Work Models

The hybrid work model, combining remote and in-office work, has become the new standard. We are setting a new standard for working practices and it starts with spending less time in the office, which is driving healthier mental and physical well-being. With fewer employees in the office full-time, businesses are rethinking their workspace needs. Many are opting for smaller, more adaptable spaces that better suit a flexible workforce.

Cost Efficiency and Employee Well-Being

Economic pressures are prompting businesses to seek more cost-effective workspace options. Downsizing or switching to shared spaces can significantly reduce overhead costs and the more relax approach has significantly changed employee well-being for the good. Additionally, modern workspaces that emphasize employee well-being—offering amenities like wellness programs and collaborative areas—are becoming increasingly attractive as companies strive to enhance productivity and job satisfaction.

Sustainability and Technology

Sustainability is a growing priority, with businesses seeking eco-friendly office solutions to reduce their environmental impact. At the same time, the integration of advanced technology in workspaces supports the seamless operation of hybrid models and boosts overall efficiency.


In 2024, these factors are driving a major shift in how businesses approach their workspaces. Companies that embrace flexible, tech-enabled, and sustainable environments will be better positioned to thrive in this evolving landscape. What will 2025 have to offer with this rise?

Co-working insights: HERE!

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