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LGBTQ+ Business Leaders

The landscape of UK business is enriched by the contributions of LGBTQ+ leaders and these trailblazers are working a storm. Not only making significant strides in their respective industries but are also inspiring future generations of LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs. Here, we spotlight some of the most influential LGBTQ+ business leaders in the UK.

1. Lady Phyll (she/her) – Co-Founder and Director of UK Black Pride

Background: Phyll Opoku-Gyimah, also known as Lady Phyll, is the co-founder and Executive Director of UK Black Pride. She is a prominent LGBTQ+ rights activist and has been instrumental in creating spaces for LGBTQ+ people of colour.

Impact: Under Opoku-Gyimah’s leadership, UK Black Pride has grown into a major event, celebrating the diversity and intersectionality of the LGBTQ+ community. Her work has highlighted the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ people of colour and has pushed for greater inclusivity within the broader LGBTQ+ movement.

Quote: “Our identities are our strength, and our visibility is our power.”

2. Thea Bardot (they/them/she/her) – Founder of Lightening Travel Recruitment

Background: Thea is a neurodiverse trans non-binary business leader and one of LinkedIn’s Top 10 LGBTQ+ voices. They founded Lightning Travel Recruitment not only as a travel recruitment company but as a movement, to “send a jolt through the industry” and highlight the benefits businesses gain from embracing diversity and inclusion.

Impact: They have curated an accessible and inclusive space in the travel industry market for the LGBTQ+ community by recognizing the own journey and unique challenges faced by both employers and job seekers in the travel industry.

Quote: “I’m able to uplift other queer voices, other intersectional voices within the community to create that change.”

3. Jupiter Lee Butz (he/him) – Founder of JLB Labs

Background: Jupiter Lee Butz, the Founder of JLB Labs, is not only a pioneering figure in the smart buildings and property technology sectors but also a significant advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. His leadership has not only driven technological advancements but also fostered an inclusive environment that champions diversity and equality.

Impact: Jupiter’s contributions to the LGBTQ+ community are profound and multifaceted. Through his leadership at JLB Labs, he has created an inclusive and supportive environment that champions diversity and fosters innovation.

Quote: “At LJB Labs, we are committed to creating a culture where diversity drives innovation, and everyone has the freedom to bring their authentic selves to the table.”

4. Paff Evara (they/them) – Co-Founder of Take Up Space

Background: Paff Evara’s career began with a focus on social justice and community organizing. With a background in fields such as social work, education, Paff has always been driven by a passion for equity and empowerment. This dedication to creating inclusive spaces for underrepresented groups laid the foundation for the establishment of Take Up Space.

Impact: Take Up Space stands as a testament to the power of diversity in driving innovation and economic growth, inspiring other businesses to follow suit. Paff’s vision and leadership continue to pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future in the business world.

Quote: “Taking up space means more than just being seen; it means being heard, valued, and empowered to make a difference in the world.”

5. Lindsey McInerney (she/her) – Founder of Black Sun Labs and Co-Founder of Sixth Wall

Background: In 2020, Lindsey founded Black Sun Labs, a company dedicated to developing immersive technology solutions. BSL focuses on virtual reality, augmented reality, and AI to create groundbreaking experiences that blend technology with creative storytelling.

Impact: Championing diversity and inclusion, she is making a significant impact on the industries she touches. Lindsey’s leadership and innovation continue to inspire and drive change, paving the way for a more dynamic and inclusive digital future.

Quote: “At Black Sun Labs and Sixth Wall, we strive to create technology that is inclusive and transformative, ensuring everyone has a seat at the table.”

The Takeaway..

As successful LGBTQ+ business leaders, they serve as role models for aspiring LGBTQ+ professionals and entrepreneurs. Their visibility and success demonstrate that being true to oneself is compatible with achieving great success.

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