They say necessity is the mother and father of invention, nothing has been more true for Freedom Works over the last few months.
The pandemic has hit everyone, aviation, hospitality, retail, closing businesses all other the country and a very empty office block in the heart of Manor Royal was no exception to the destruction Covid-19 has caused. Freedom Works were given the heartbreaking news that the iconic building, The Office, was to be sold and the new landlords had plans that didn’t include an office.
It would have been easy to throw in the towel and cut their losses, relocate their members, admit defeat and concentrate on growing their business elsewhere. But Freedom Works didn’t……
With the business world changing they knew it was more important than ever to remain present in the Gatwick area creating a solution for so many companies. They scoured the Crawley area for a suitable new home and within 3 weeks of receiving the keys we were up and running!
What has been achieved in such a short time is nothing short of remarkable and they would be proud to show it off to new members!
The (very) large meeting room is waiting for you, the hot desks are ready to book and the coffee is brewing. They can offer the same brilliant service as before, fresh new offices, virtual offices, hot desking, meeting rooms and much more.
To learn more and see how we can help your business grow, adapt and function with more flexibility, . contact Freedom Works on 01293 368100 or email [email protected].