Pitching Bootcamp with Sarah Archer
31mar1:30 pm4:00 pmPitching Bootcamp with Sarah Archer
Event Details
Are you looking to develop your speaking, pitching or storytelling this year? Then you might want to check out The Speaking Club podcast, produced by Sarah Archer from Lemon Squeeze, based
Event Details
Are you looking to develop your speaking, pitching or storytelling this year?
Then you might want to check out The Speaking Club podcast, produced by Sarah Archer from Lemon Squeeze, based at Freedom Works C&D in Worthing.
Discover tips, tricks and strategies for building your speaking confidence, using stories and humour in the right way, and connecting and communicating with your audience more powerfully, so that they better engage with your message and move closer to a buying decision.
Sarah is a comedian, writer, speaker and businesswoman and she is on a mission to show that anyone can be a great speaker, and you can do it without losing your personality or passion!
The Speaking Club is available on Apple podcast, Amazon, Spotify, all good podcast apps, or over at https://wwww.saraharcher.co.uk
Opportunities to grow your career or business, make partnerships, or get donations, can come any time, any place, and anywhere. So, it’s important that you have a pitch that works, and gives you the confidence to shine.
If you are struggling to get the results you want when you share about your product or service, then this might be for you.
Sarah Archer, from Lemon Squeeze, based at Freedom Works C&D Worthing, is running her Standout Pitching bootcamp that will break down for you, step-by-step, how to find the right words and stories to grow your audience and get you more leads.
This is for you if you are a coach, consultant or business owner who is starting out or struggling:
– to connect with your target customer
– to explain the value of what you do, and
– to grow your business.
Over the Course of two live online workshops, 31st March and 7th April, with a week of support and accountability sandwiched between them, you will discover exactly what your customers want, what their key objections are, AND you’ll get a blueprint that will enable you to create pitches that speak to them, that overcome their objections, and convince them that they need to buy from you.
It will also give you the opportunity to get feedback and coaching on your messaging, and your pitch and delivery so that you can move forward with confidence.
And as a Freedom Works Member, you will get a 20% discount on the price just use the discount code FW20.
To find out more, go to https://www.saraharcher.co.uk/bootcamp
31/03/2022 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)